Browse Course

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic Communication Skills M25687 Module
Climate Change M20145 Module
Conservation Biogeography M30012 Module
Creative Economy, People and Place M24932 Module
Dissertation M31437 Module
Environmental Auditing and Assessment M20144 Module
Environmental Change M30003 Module
Environmental Pollution And Waste Management M30327 Module
Environmental Processes and Hazards M25685 Module
Gender and Development M31570 Module
Geographies Of Development M30008 Module
Geography Study Placement M30828 Module
Geography Work Placement M30829 Module
Gis And Remote Sensing M30005 Module
Glaciers And Glaciation M30006 Module
Global Environmental Challenges M25686 Module
Hazardscapes M30011 Module
Introduction to Teaching M25829 Module
Introduction to Teaching M25763 Module
Overseas Study (SEGG) M31773 Module
Practical Boating Skills (GEOG) M32115 Module
Practical Fieldwork Skills M25688 Module
Quaternary Geology & Geomorphology M31155 Module
Regional Economic Development And Inequality M30002 Module
Research, Fieldwork and Professional Skills M31440 Module
River Processes M31602 Module
Scientific & Technical Diving Techniques A (GEOG) M32062 Module
Scientific & Technical Diving Techniques B (GEOG) M32063 Module
SEGG Tutorial Programme L5 M31737 Module
Social Identities And Place M30004 Module
Society and Place M25684 Module
Sustainable Environmental Management M31583 Module
Tools for Geographical Enquiry M25689 Module
Transport and Sustainability M31439 Module
Uneven Cities M32264 Module
Uneven Cities, Planning and Design M32665 Module
Weather Science M31679 Module

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