Browse Institution

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Department of Psychology PSYC Department
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering SEME Department
Exchange Programme UNIFAC Programme
Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation ICG Department
Learning at Work LATW Department
Library and Central Services LIBRA Department
London Campus LON Department
Portsmouth Law School LAW Department
School of Accounting, Economics and Finance AEF Department
School of Architecture ARCH Department
School of Area Studies, Sociology, History, Politics and Literature SASSHPL Department
School of Art, Design and Performance ADP Department
School of Biological Sciences BIOL Department
School of Civil Engineering and Surveying SCES Department
School of Computing COMP Department
School of Creative Technologies CTS Department
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice SCCJ Department
School of Education, Languages and Linguistics SELL Department
School of Film, Media and Communication FMC Department
School of Health and Care Professions SHCP Department
School of Mathematics and Physics SMAP Department
School of Organisations, Systems and People OSP Department
School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences PHBM Department
School of Sport, Health and Exercise Science SHES Department
School of Strategy, Marketing and Innovation SMI Department
School of the Environment, Geography and Geosciences SEGG Department
University of Portsmouth Dental Academy UPDA Department
University of Portsmouth Graduate School UOPGS Department

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